The Neurodiversity Opportunity

Neurodiversity awareness and Neuro-inclusion training & consultancy

Gain a competitive edge through neuro-inclusive practices

Download the Radiance Neurodiversity in the Workplace brochure now!

Radiance Neurodiversity Opportunity download

Embracing neurodiversity has been proven to enhance an organisation’s ability to innovate, adapt, and maintain high productivity. For example:


Attract candidates from a wider pool of talent and retain them for longer with neuro-inclusive practices


Boost creativity and innovation thanks to unique perspectives and different cognitive approaches that enhance problem-solving and help companies break out of traditional thinking patterns

inclusivity awareness

Better neuro-inclusivity awareness means better job matching, allowing neurodivergent team members and leaders to play to their strengths, which boosts productivity and reduces stress-related absenteeism

flexible communication

Companies that are neuroinclusive often adopt more flexible communication styles and workflows, which can improve overall team dynamics, foster adaptability, and enhance resilience

Let me help you get your DE&I strategy to where it should be

Did you know?

Under the WORK AND ACCESS – DISABILITY EQUALITY AND INCLUSION TRAINING GRANT, training & development programmes for Neurodiversity awareness and Neuroinclusive practices are eligible for government funding of up to

The grant is available to any organisation with paid employees in the private, community & voluntary, or not-for-profit sectors.