Clinical Supervision

Empowering Health Professionals

Is your Work-Life Balance being adversely impacted by your caseload?

With my support, you’ll make the move to a strategic, organised, and confident practitioner.

Group Supervision

Individual Supervision

Supervision Training for Health Professionals

Áine designs supervision courses tailored to the health professional’s needs so that you can gain the confidence to deliver exceptional supervision that elevates outcomes for supervisees, organisations, and clients. 

This supervision training is designed to be pragmatic and practical, allowing you to apply newly acquired skills through simulated supervision sessions. By seamlessly integrating theory and research, we ensure that your supervisory practice is evidence-informed and highly effective.

Áine is an experienced supervisor who holds a postgraduate certificate in Clinical Supervision. In addition she has co-authored several chapters in the recently published book “Supervision for Occupational Therapy: Practical Guidance for Supervisors and Supervisees”. Dancza, K., Volkert, A., & Tempest, S. (Eds.) (2023).

Course content

  • Introduction to supervision
  • Understanding how models of supervision can help to structure and guide sessions
  • Conducting formal supervision, e.g., contracting, facilitating sessions, and documentation
  • Supervisory practice skills, e.g., communication skills, giving feedback
  • Facilitating reflective practice that enhances professional development
  • Managing difficult conversations and supervisory boundaries
  • Supporting the supervisee to deal with the emotional demands and challenges of their work
  • Legal & Ethical Issues in supervisory practice
supervision training programs
Supervision – Training programmes (Face-to-Face) Customised for health professionals

Setting Up in Private Practice

The first step is always the hardest!. Let Radiance help you to overcome your fear and go forward with confidence into your future as a Private Practitioner!

Whether you’re an Occupational Therapist, Speech & Language Therapist, Physiotherapist – or whatever it is you do within the Allied Health sphere – Radiance offers you the support you need to get off on the right foot in private practice.

There are so many things to consider when setting up in private practice – so the workshops Radiance delivers in partnership with other great OTs such as Jen Trzeciak of Way Ahead Therapy are designed to cover all those bases for you, leaving you free to do what you do best – and make a profit at it!

Learn more about the Essential Workbook that Aine & Jen provided the participants of a recent Setting Up in Private Practice Workshop:

Coaching for Allied Health

Renew, Reflect, Reconnect

Supporting therapy entrepreneurs to maintain the energy and drive needed to sustain their businesses

As an OT myself, I know how hard it can be to strike a good Work-Life Balance between caseload and family life. All too often, Allied Health Professionals fall victim to burnout and general mental ill-health.

That’s why Radiance offers Allied Health Professionals vital Coaching that will help you to: